photo by: Anita Kunzel

Joan has been psychically intuitive and followed a spiritual path her whole life. A former College Dean of Education, Director of Education, College Professor and NYC High School Teacher, Joan became a medium in a unique way. Through her painful grieving process of the crossing over of her life partner and soul mate, Joan and her partner were determined to reconnect.

Joan’s life purpose in doing this work is to help people heal and move forward with their lives. Through her Mediumistic gifts she helps others reconnect with their loved ones on the other side. This often brings comfort and healing to those who are grieving. Through her Psychic gifts she helps people sort out their lives, heal and move forward using her abilities to read their energy fields and listening for direction from Spiritual guides.

Joan’s psychic medium style is unique. Clients have often commented, “She’s very good and very different.” Joan responds, “I am just the channel, the vehicle. My guides are directing where the messages will come from and what needs to be said to each individual client.” Joan is grateful to do this work and has compassion for her clients. “It is a very personal experience.” She attributes her psychic medium gifts to her spiritual devotion and commitment, and her unconditional love for her life partner.


I am a Psychic, a Medium and a Spiritual Trans-channeler. As a Psychic, with the help of my guides I am able to read a person’s energy in the past, present and future. For some people their past lives will come through in a reading. As a Medium, with the help of my guides I am able to help my clients reconnect with their loved ones who have passed on to the other side. As a Spiritual Trans-channeler, at times, my Spiritual guides will feel it is necessary and important to convey a message from a higher being of light to me or my client. I have granted a few of them my permission to use me and my voice as a vehicle to deliver the message. Also, as a Spiritual Trans-channeler, I do Automatic Writing. During these times, I will write messages from higher beings of light, with a different vocabulary and tone and quite often, a totally different handwriting. It will either be for an individual or for everyone on the planet. All of my senses are attuned to the spirit world. My guides and spirits on the other side will use any of my senses to communicate to me. This means I can see (clairvoyant), hear (clairaudient), feel (clairsentients), smell and taste.

“Cellas Melody” – Composed by:Eric Roberts, ASCAP

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